In the end, after spending infinite hours and days constructing my websites
and to have it all deleted in a flash, I am now being very cautious about spending loads of time in building this internet web page. It's very miserable to me to peer all my cool, difficult efforts and get it zapped away within seconds. So, from knowing what may want to take place inside the beyond, I can hold it easy. I'm preserving this site pretty simple and I'm now not going to make it as flashy as my other websites had been.
and to have it all deleted in a flash, I am now being very cautious about spending loads of time in building this internet web page. It's very miserable to me to peer all my cool, difficult efforts and get it zapped away within seconds. So, from knowing what may want to take place inside the beyond, I can hold it easy. I'm preserving this site pretty simple and I'm now not going to make it as flashy as my other websites had been.
Additionally, I suppose that if I kept it simple enough that perhaps it may not set any bells off with Weebly (my current web host) I'd opt to now not get them to make investments in their time and strength in looking at my web page. Despite the fact that I will keep adding onto and improving matters so long as these pages are nonetheless on-line... I'm gonna do my exceptional to make frequent upgrades to this website thru time. I best hope that Weebly won't pull the plug on my website and it'll be spared. If some thing they should at the least allow me to realize what it was that I did to justify the deleting my webpage. Just a little explanation would help so I won't make do it again. So why did they delete my other pages? If I had to guess what the motive turned into, I would have to mention that they did not like my photographs.
Well, I guess my snap shots can be a little wild and crazy to a few. In the eyes of a few prude or over-non secular individuals they may see that the nude human body as 'dirty and pornographic' and that it wishes to be deleted or censored. They'll think that it is 'incorrect' within the eyes of God. -really? I realize that there are a lot human beings in our society that study nudity as an evil, sinful component that's dirty and wrong. For these individuals even may have placed it in the identical class as violence and hate. I find that to be absolutely ridiculous! Those people have such twisted, ridiculous issues on something this is completely natural- nudity & intercourse. In case you without a doubt reflect on consideration on it, it's all quite rattling stupid! A picture or video of a naked guy is not hurting everyone. A video of a couple making love & having intercourse isn't always so horrible -it is just sex! Every living creature does it. We all do it! -We all fuck!! It is how all of us got here and every body needs to simply experience, embrace and love the beauty of sex. Everyone must simply recognize the splendor and beauty of the naked, bare body of a man or woman. It's nature and its natural and certanly isn't so "dirty" or "bad" after all.
So, I am gonna keep my fingers crossed and pray that my current web host would not pull the plug on my pricey internet web page again. I'm hoping that they will be open-minded and allow this webpage to live on for years yet to come.
It would be exceptional to have the ability to preserve and continue on constructing, enhancing and improving this my web page. To keep it growing and getting better over time. To have a spot where I can showoff & express myself, both visually and with words.
It would be exceptional to have the ability to preserve and continue on constructing, enhancing and improving this my web page. To keep it growing and getting better over time. To have a spot where I can showoff & express myself, both visually and with words.
I must say, its superb to have this website. It permits me to voice my views, express my ideas and speak my mind to all of you. It additionally offers me a place wherein I can share my limitless pix and videos. Its allows me to not be so shy and timid, and to be more comfortable with myself and my body. It offers me an area in which I may be heard & seen, most importantly, it's my outlet for my creativity that is always flowing.
I must say, its superb to have this website. It permits me to voice my views, express my ideas and speak my mind to all of you. It additionally offers me a place wherein I can share my limitless pix and videos. Its allows me to not be so shy and timid, and to be more comfortable with myself and my body. It offers me an area in which I may be heard & seen, most importantly, it's my outlet for my creativity that is always flowing.
*Please don't forget to comment on my photos & videos at the bottom of each page!
Again, I welcome you to:
"LAcumBoy's Cyberworld of Sex, Drugs & a Camera"°
Welcome to my digital home,
Where I can be myself and freely roam.
Here, I share my thoughts and speak my mind,
My story is told and my views you'll find.
A place for learning and for teaching too,
Where open discussions can ensue.
Without judgment or fear of reproof,
Humbled, inspired, empowered and moved.
My creativity can flourish here,
A place where I can conquer fear,
And strive to be the best I can,
A better version of myself,
a better man.
I offer love, honesty, and integrity,
With an open heart, for all to see.
So come and join me on this journey,
Welcome, everyone,
to my sanctuary.
"LAcumBoy's Cyberworld of Sex, Drugs & a Camera"°
Welcome to my digital home,
Where I can be myself and freely roam.
Here, I share my thoughts and speak my mind,
My story is told and my views you'll find.
A place for learning and for teaching too,
Where open discussions can ensue.
Without judgment or fear of reproof,
Humbled, inspired, empowered and moved.
My creativity can flourish here,
A place where I can conquer fear,
And strive to be the best I can,
A better version of myself,
a better man.
I offer love, honesty, and integrity,
With an open heart, for all to see.
So come and join me on this journey,
Welcome, everyone,
to my sanctuary.
-"I have a passion for creativity, enjoy being in front of the camera,
and I am also quite fond of sex. And that's how this website came to be.
Now, I have a platform to display my extensive collection of videos
and images featuring myself."
and I am also quite fond of sex. And that's how this website came to be.
Now, I have a platform to display my extensive collection of videos
and images featuring myself."
'Sapientia et Veritas'
(Truth & Wisdom)
(Truth & Wisdom)
It may already seem quite obvious, but I'm no expert in web design, and my knowledge of web development and computer code is rather limited. However, I'm committed to learning and growing in this area. I'm aware that I've built this website in an unconventional manner, setting it apart from today's typical web designs. While some may even view it somewhat old-fashioned. However, this is 'LAcumBoy's Cyberworld', truly an unique website and I'm unfazed by such opinions.